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Course Descriptions

Course Descriptions

SPIRITUAL FORMATION: SHAPING THE HEART FOR GOD...Objective:  The objective of this course is to define the spiritual disciplines (the means of grace) and to illustrate the value of their practice in shaping the inner spiritual life of the believer.  Exercising Physical Disciplines builds up specific muscles.  Practicing Spiritual Disciplines builds specific spiritual muscles and conditions the spiritual heart (the inner man) of the believer, to be strong and sensitive toward the Spirit of God. 
PEOPLE SKILLS 101...Objective:  People are the focus of ministry.  The objective of this course is to evaluate and sharpen people skills to foster people connections, life-giving relationships and nurturing leadership styles.  Ministry flows through relationship.  Strong people skills allow ministers to build bridges rather than barriers.  Relational bridges connect people to Jesus and become conduits through which His gifts of grace flow to meet needs. Good people skills can be learned and will make for effective ministry and leadership.

EVANGELISM: REACHING THE LOST...Objective: The objective of this course is to instruct and equip believers for effective witnessing and soul winning.  The class will demonstrate how to develop a “harvest heart” and equip believers with the practical tools and skills necessary for doing evangelism.  Working toward the harvest is a process of cultivation, sowing, watering and reaping.  There will be a special emphasis on relational evangelism.

THE POWER OF PRAYER...Objective:  The objective is to instruct the believer and minister in how to pray and how to pray with effectiveness.  This course seeks to build for the student a theological and practical base for personal prayer while exposing the student to great prayer methods and great “pray-ers”.  There is a special emphasis on listening for and recognizing the Voice of the Lord.

THE HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY...Objective:  This course is designed to give the student a brief overview of the history of Christianity through the centuries beginning with the Book of Acts.  There will be a focus point on the Great Awakenings and their effect on the Western World.  Revival history of the last 100 years in the United States will also be highlighted.   

PASSION FOR WORSHIP...Objective:  The objective of this course is to give instruction toward understanding the role and importance of worship in the life of the believer and in ministry.  The course will cover the biblical and theological basis for worship, experiential (heart) dynamics, as well as practical and technical aspects for leading worship and creating a worship atmosphere where people connect with God’s Presence.  

CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE: FAITH FOUNDATIONS...This class teaches the core beliefs of the Christian faith with the goal of fusing these foundational faith truths into the lives of believers.  It stresses the importance for each believer to have a solid understanding of basic Christian beliefs (doctrines) for a secure, authentic and fruitful faith in Christ.  Furthermore, the course equips Christian leaders to shepherd and disciple their flocks as well as build ministry on solid truth foundations.

THE MINISTRY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT...The objective is of this course is to give a broad overview of the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer and His works in ministry.  The topics include the role of the Holy Spirit in salvation, sanctification, Spirit Baptism, spiritual fruit, spiritual gifts and anointing.  Understanding the work of the Holy Spirit enables us to be sensitive to His promptings, to yield to His leading and to trust His power to do ministry through us.  We will discuss the union of instruction and impartation.

SPIRITUAL WARFARE: EQUIPPED FOR SPIRITUAL BATTLE...The objective of this course is to provide an understanding of spiritual warfare and its effect on the believer, Christian ministry and the world.  Discipleship of the believer includes being aware of the spiritual conflict between the kingdom of darkness and the Kingdom of God.  Effective Christian living and fruitful Kingdom ministry demands a working knowledge of the schemes and strategies of Satan. It also demands that the believer is covered and equipped with their spiritual armor, authority and weaponry.  (Includes-Anatomy of a Stronghold)

MINISTERING THE WORD...This course focuses upon learning the necessary tools for developing a sermon or teaching from the Word of God and communicating it to people.  Special emphasis will be given to the preparation of the sermon/teaching, the preparation of heart of the preacher/teacher and delivering the message.   

LEADERSHIP IN MINISTRY...The objective is to give training for leadership in ministry.  The course identifies leadership principles illustrated in the lives of God’s servants in the Old and New Testaments with applications for present day ministry.  The course will help students to develop leadership values and practices representative in the relational leadership model, exemplified in the ministry of Jesus and the NT (Apostolic) Church.   

WORLD MISSIONS: CROSS-CULTURAL MINISTRY...The objective of the course is to acquaint, orient, and instruct the believer/minister in bringing the ministry of Jesus into different cultures. We must learn the appropriate ways and necessary “cultural keys” that enable us to identify, engage, and communicate with the culturally different people of other ethnicities and nations. Cross-cultural ministry skills are required to contextually build relational bridges over which to introduce the incarnational ministry of Jesus Christ.




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