Ministry Skills Institute

Ministry Spiritual Growth Seminar
"Reflections on Resurrections"
Saturday, November 9 9am-12:30pm
Living Hope ChristianFellowship
10055 Valley Home Rd.
Oakdale, CA
"Reflections on Ressurections"
The Cross (death), Resurrection and Ascension of Christ Jesus are the center-point events of Christianity. They enable our redemption and relationship with God through faith. Interestingly, these events are prophetically previewed throughout scripture and culminate in the New Testament. We will explore the “previews,” the actual events, and their implications of hope, victory and eternal promise for us as believers.

Instructor Dallas Elder is the Ministry Director of Grace Covenant International and the Ministry Skills Institute of Platte City, MO. His work areas include: apostolic shepherding, ministry training, leadership coaching, church planting, and foreign missions development. He is the author of The ValueGiver, a book about finding true worth.
The cost for this Seminar is $45 per person. Registration deadline is October 31st. You can register online using the button below or by calling our office 816-431-6217.
You can pay the day of the seminar with cash or a check made out to MSI.