Ministry Skills Institute
†WE BELIEVE in one God as three persons: the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit as co-existent, co-eternal, and unified in will.
Genesis 1:26; John 1:1-5, 14:9, 11, 15-17; Matthew 28:19
†WE BELIEVE in the Divine inspiration, reliability, and authority of the Holy Scriptures, as found in the Old and New Testaments, as the foundation and rule for Christian faith, doctrine, and conduct.
Deuteronomy 29:29; Isaiah 55:10-11; II Timothy 3:16-17; II Peter 1:20-21
†WE BELIEVE all men are sinners, in their unrepentant state destined for Hell and in need of faith in the Savior Jesus Christ for forgiveness of sin and eternal life.
Romans 3:23, 5:8; I John 1:10; Galatians 1:3-5; Romans 6:23; Luke 16:19-31; Revelation 20:11-15; Acts 24:15;I Corinthians 15:3-5
†WE BELIEVE in the Virgin Birth, crucifixion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, who died for man's sin and purchased for him eternal life in Heaven.
Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:22-23; Acts 4:12; I Corinthians 1:18; II Corinthians 5:21; Colossians 2:13-15; I Peter 3:21-22; Romans 6:23; I Timothy 2:1
†WE BELIEVE that man must repent of sin and receive Jesus Christ by faith to be saved.
John 1:12, 3:16; Acts 2:38, 3:19-20, 19:31, 26:20; Romans 10:9-10
†WE BELIEVE a Christian can be sanctified and filled with the Holy Spirit in which his heart is cleansed of the sin nature and empowered to live a holy, victorious, and abundant life in Christ. This experience is usually subsequent to being born again.
Matthew 3:11-12; Acts 1:4-5, 8, 2:14, 8:14-17; I Thessalonians 5:23
†WE BELIEVE the Spirit-filled life produces in the believer, the Fruit of the Spirit (the character of Christ) and Spiritual Gifts for Christian service, ministry, and edification of the Church.
Romans 6:11-18, 8:4-8; Galatians 5:16-25; II Peter 1:3-7; Romans 12:1-8; I Corinthians 12:1, 27-30, 14:1-4, 37-40; I Peter 4:10-11
†WE BELIEVE in the priesthood of all believers, the unity of the Body of Christ, and the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry.
I Peter 2:5-9; Revelation 5:9-10; Ephesians 2:19-22; I Corinthians 12:12-20; Ephesians 4:3-13
†WE BELIEVE that the Lord Jesus will return,the dead will be raised and the final judgment will take place, with believers entering into eternal life in Heaven and unbelievers entering into eternal Hell.
Matthew 24:30-31, 36; I Thessalonians 4:13-18; I Corinthians 15:50-58; Matthew 25:45-46; Acts 24:15; Revelation 20:11-21:8