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Course Schedule

About Our Training Courses
  Our Basic Ministry Training Courses are offered in the Fall and Spring of each year.  Courses are designed to be completed within six weeks. 
  Our instructors are experienced equippers and active in ministry with a heart to shape students for their calling.
  Our classes are designed for students engaged in other activities such as fulltime ministry, an occupation or college.  MSI offers the opportunity to receive ministry equipping while fulfilling other responsibilities.  Each course contains 8 hours of lecture, reading and writing assignments for a work load of about 6 hours per week.  Class lecture portions are held on Saturday.
    Students satisfactorily completing all 12 courses will receive a Ministry Training Certificate.


"Cross-Cultural Ministry"

Zoom Class

Instructor: Dallas Elder

September 21, October 5 and 19, 2024

The objective is to acquaint, orient, and instruct the believer/minister in bringing the ministry of Jesus into different cultures. We must learn the appropriate ways and necessary “cultural keys” that enable us to identify, engage, and communicate with the culturally different people of other ethnicities and nations. Cross-cultural ministry skills are required to contextually build relational bridges over which to introduce the incarnational ministry of Jesus Christ.

TEXT BOOKS: Obtain and read the following:
Ordinary Missionary by W. Jay Moon, Pamela Moon, Emily Moon (Resource Publications)
Cross-Cultural Connections by Duane Elmer (InterVarsity Press)

Choose, Purchase and Read one of the following:
Bruchko by Bruce Olson (Charisma House)
Peace Child by Don Richardson
Through Gates of Splendor by Elisabeth Elliott
Chasing the Dragon by Jackie Pullinger

Cost: $150 per person


Registration deadline September 6.
Register online or call MSI at 816.431.6217.

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